Scarlett Massel
I love pots and I love the huge and seemingly endless opportunities they afford me, as an artist to delve into my soul and still have a...

Albert Montserrat
I make mainly vases out of porcelain on the potters wheel. I throw simple and classic shapes with no decorations; the glazes are the...

Gail Mallatratt
My work is an investigation into themes of innocence lost and recaptured and experience gained. An interest in personal, family and...

New works by Brian D. Hodgson
Brian D Hodgson’s practice as an artist encompasses drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and actions. He has exhibited both in the...

Jane Lacy Hodge
Jane’s work is about looking, she aims for an honest simplicity, evading diversionary bluster or ‘cool’ cynicism, and attempts, by...

Vic Forrest
Vic Forrest drew throughout his childhood and youth. He went to art college and completed a BA in painting. That only led to him thinking...

Anthony Broad
My practice revolves around mythologies, ancient and modern: I'm exploring the self-created myths people wind about themselves. Ancient...

Glass works by Louis Thompson
My work is concerned with ideas of repetition, sequence and multiples. This stems from a fascination with collections: multiples that...

Marianne Ferm
Born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1958 and educated in the UK, Ferm received an M.A. in Printmaking from Camberwell College of Art in 2010....

Jane Dillon
For most of her life Jane Dillon was an esteemed designer. The contents of her design studio are in the V&A's archives. Jane gave up...